The Doge has emerged as the most beloved meme of all time and an icon which has inspired untold silliness, laughter and goodwill within the crypto community and beyond.
We believe she represents the most powerful force for global unity and have been saying so for nearly a decade. We are fully committed to this Acceptance Movement (Not A Resistance) and Will Not Rest until the entire world is Partying together.
We are definitely not joking.
Our ultimate dream is to create a Doge-Powered Party Metaverse. A new “Party Layer” that will sit atop reality, allowing anyone, anywhere to instantly step into a parallel dimension alive with sound, light and positive vibes.
The Million Doge Disco is one critical pillar in our master plan to get the entire world dancing together. It starts with augmented reality Disco Doge NFTs that released all over the world!
Disco Doge NFTs are dancing in Miami 🐕✨✨✨#DogeDisco #Doge #DoOnlyGoodEveryday pic.twitter.com/7MvQQe634y
— Million Doge Disco (@DogeDisco) June 4, 2021
Each Disco Doge NFT is a “Dogeagotchi” virtual pet that you care for and Party with in order to earn prizes and receive Dogely Downloads of Wisdom and Wonderment.

This summer, we debuted the world’s only “Proof Of Partying” mechanism that incentivizes everyone, everywhere to Do Only Good Everyday and dance with their Doge in order to receive a Dogeatotchi!
Think Pokemon Go meets the Harlem Shake. The dawning of a Global Party Singularity.
We believe that a gigantic international game, inspired and empowered by the Doge is the best possible way to unify humanity and Wage Peace on a global scale.
The Burning Man Principles closely align with our Doge consciousness ways of Doing Only Good Everyday, so bringing our history of Dogely hosting to the Virtual Playa was a natural move!

Watch our social and check back here for our Doge Camp programming schedule during the Virtual Burn 2021! All our programming takes place on the MoonStage in DOGE Camp in Sparkleverse.
Start off by SAVING THE DATE for our Virtual Decentralized Dance Party at 9pm PST on Saturday, September 4th!

For the first time in history, we have the power to organize “MORE effectively than those who love war” and truly reshape the world!

We are not a multinational corporation or opportunistic crypto grifters, just a small group of friends co-creating a project that we think is awesome.
At this point, it is entirely self-funded.
We are extremely excited to have partnered with BLOCKv to build this project. To the best of our knowledge, they have quietly created the most advanced augmented reality NFT platform in the world.
BLOCKv’s creators were so stoked on the Million Doge Disco concept that they have gifted us countless hours of development time to ensure success. True Doges.
Our alpha launch received some unexpected media coverage, including: CoinTelegraph, Decrypt and Benzinga. Not a bad start!

Things went Absolutely Viral during our launch, with massive press coverage from all over the world and tens of thousands signing up to join the movement! Full press page coming soon 🙂


The Doge Disco / Dogeverse is the ultimate evolution of the Decentralized Dance Party, an Open-Source Party Movement that has been active since the dawn of the blockchain.
We fell in love with Dogecoin and the Doge in 2013 and have been interpreting and promoting her teachings ever since.
A quick overview of how the world’s most beloved meme came to be:
One of our favourite Doge videos, circa 2014:
We also hosted Camp Dogecoin at Burning Man in 2014, numerous Doge Parties, appeared on numerous news broadcasts, invaded an airport and helped to co-create Dogecon 2018, a four-day summit dedicated to the teachings of the Doge and the best time ever. A synthesis of these shenanigans can be found HERE.
Want to learn more about the Decentralized Dance Party from which Doge Disco was born? This Medium post is a great place to start 🙂